Behind the scenes insights abound in these interviews. The true inspiration for Thomas Parker came after original story drafts and before final revisions when I met a neurosurgeon at the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, New York.
The Singularity Witness was fun to write because it allowed me to blend the storytelling styles of Michael Crichton and Robin Cook.
Interviews with Dan Grant
The debut of The Singularity Witness was well received… and Thirteen Across looks to follow that trend.
Because of the mix of sub-genres under thrillers and suspense, people are often curious about how the storytelling evolves and what particular spark of science or medicine or technology led to the genesis of story moments and ideas. If you’re interested in behind-the-scenes info, this page has links to several interviews and podcasts.

In some ways, the seven unique locations in Washington, DC, function like characters, revealed through the evolving crossword puzzle and the story characters. Will Shortz was gracious with his time and the latitude that he became as a detective-style character in Thirteen Across–many thanks to Will for the opportunity to fictionalize him.

Interview with ManyBooks.net on The Singularity Witness and behind the writing desk questions and answers.